
The throttling pattern looks like the debouncing one, but instead of restarting a timer when the machine receives an event, it stops listening to events temporarily.

In the following example, when the machine receives the first click event, it goes into the Throttling state. The click event is not listened by the machine in this state. The Throttling state starts a timer of one second, which targets the Idle state.


Try incrementing the counter by clicking the Increment button below. The counter will be incremented once every second.

The state machine is resilient to spamming. It controls how it should behave if the user abuses the button.

Count: 0



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import { assign, setup } from "xstate";
export const throttlingMachine = setup({
types: {
events: {} as { type: "click" } | { type: "reset" },
context: {} as { counter: number },
actions: {
"Increment counter": assign({
counter: ({ context }) => context.counter + 1,
"Reset counter": assign({
counter: 0,
id: "Throttling",
context: {
counter: 0,
initial: "Idle",
states: {
Idle: {
on: {
click: {
target: "Throttling",
reset: {
actions: "Reset counter",
Throttling: {
after: {
"1000": {
target: "Idle",
actions: "Increment counter",

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